MER President, Brian House, Presents at the Pacific States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force in Anchorage, Alaska


Moran Environmental Recovery, LLC (MER) President, Brian House, recently traveled to Anchorage, Alaska, where he was an invited speaker at the Annual Meeting of the Pacific States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force. The conference focused on the findings of the Incident Specific Preparedness Review (ISPR), which was created under Charter by the USCG Commandant and challenged to investigate the implementation and effectiveness of the response to the Deepwater Horizon Incident. The ISPR Team worked closely with the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, and served as a formal work group for that Committee. Mr. House was the industry adviser to the ISPR, and worked as part of the ISPR Team in the research, interview process and development of the final document.

To read more about the “Lessons Learned” from the ISPR, and the topics presented at the Pacific States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force, please click here.

Article taken from Petroleum News, Vol 16, No. 36, September 04, 2011

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