Moran Environmental Recovery, LLC announces the acquisition of Coastal & Ocean Resources, Inc.


Victoria, British Columbia: December 7, 2012

Moran Environmental Recovery, LLC (MER) announced today the acquisition of Coastal & Ocean Resources, Inc (CORI), a coastal mapping and environmental consulting business located in Victoria, British Columbia. CORI is in its 25th year of business, and will continue to operate under the same name, and as a registered Canadian company.

Dr. Brian Bornhold, one of the two principals of CORI, will retire from day-to-day operations but continue to be an advisor to the company in areas of habitat mapping, marine geology and marine sediment transport. Dr. John Harper, CORI founder, will remain as Vice President of Strategic Growth and Business Development. Dr. Harper will continue to oversee the ShoreZone program, as well as being responsible for promoting expansion of CORI business opportunities. Dr. Harper commented,

To use a cliché, this initiative breathes new life into a mature company. CORI and MER are highly complementary in the services we offer. And we are excited about expanding our geographic base from our traditional Pacific Northwest and Arctic service areas. Most importantly, the change in ownership allows us to look confidently into the future.

MER is an integrated provider of specialized services to the energy, industrial, marine, rail and pipeline industries, and operates from 34 locations across the United States. MER is also a nationally-recognized oil spill removal organization. Brian House, MER President and CEO commented,

The acquisition of CORI provides continued diversification in our integrated business model. The services they provide compliment our expanding preparedness and response business, and their service area represents a strategic entry-point into an exciting new market.

For more information, contact:

Brian J. House
President & Chief Executive Officer
Moran Environmental Recovery LLC
Dr. John Harper
Vice President, Strategic Growth & Business Dev
Coastal & Ocean Resources, Inc

A complete copy of the Press Release is available here.

MER President, Brian House, Presents at the Pacific States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force in Anchorage, Alaska
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